Thursday 7 July 2011

Monday 4 July 2011

Garfield nails

I really love these nails i was so proud of them
and thats all im going to say so you can just look at my nails :)

snoopy nails

Snoopy and Friends nail art
Snoopy on the thmb
Charlie brown on the Middle finger and
Woodstock on the pinkie
most of this was done with acrylic paint
my sister loves Hello Kitty and she has always had beautiful long nails.

I painted a white strip across the bottom of her nails and painted a pink leopord print at the top and then i drew hello kittys face on the white strips

more leopard print

this time i just did a natural french mani and put pink leopard print over the top

Birthday Nails for Bec

it was my friends Birthday the other day and so i painted these just for her
Balloons on the thumb
A candle on the index finger
cupcakes on the middle finger
a present on the ring finger
and a party hat on the pinky

black and white mani

so as per usual i have forgotten to post my manis lately so im gunna spam for a litte while....
heres something really simple i did when i worked all day last week it just a matte black polish than a white tip done with a nail pen and on the thumbs i put a couple of crystals  just to be a bit funky